Words of Wisdom and Understanding
This is an act of love book in that it consists of a series of poems, thoughts, and writings each put on paper within a few minutes. That is to say I feel GOD'S spirit within me and I write down as quickly as I can what is passing through me. They span over a period of forty years and a lifetime of experiences. My desire is to share with all of you in a loving and personal way the very essence of my being. The soul is here to learn, what we go through, we grow through. Thus, I hope by you reading these inspired words, we can all grow closer together in our love of GOD within ourselves. I believe that this GOD moment in my life can touch your life if you want it to. So in a timeless moment, seek within yourself and find who GOD is to you. May you live as long as you want and never want as long as you live.
-- William Kerbawy